This example is based on a report that returns the LeadId, First Name, Last Name, and Email when the Action Count is greater than 0, the Status is [_____] and the Date Modified is greater than [_____] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of the response from "GetReports" based on the above info: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since, the report above contains 2 FilterItems where the "IsTemplate" attribute is set to True, FilterItems must be supplied for the "templateValues" parameter. Below is an Example of the needed FilterItems if the Status is set to Id's of 1, 2, or 4 and the Date Modified is greater than 01/01/2000: 1,2,4 01/01/2000 Also, the FilterItemId can be used: NOTE: Modifying the report changes the FilterItemId 1,2,4 01/01/2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of the reponse: 1 FName1 LName1 2 FName2 LName2 3 FName3 LName3 4 FName4 LName4